Train your dog like a pro by ditching these 3 common dog training myths! Teaching your dog doesn’t have to be stressful or confusing. In fact, it can be fun and rewarding for both you and your furry friend! Let’s bust some of the most popular misconceptions and get you on the road to success.
Myth #1
I Need To Enroll My Dog In An Obedience Class For Training.
Most people think that dog training classes are effective methods for training your dog. The reality is that dogs are easily distracted by the presence of other people and dogs. Also being in a strange environment and the necessity of employing a “one size fits all” methodology in the instruction makes this approach virtually useless for training dogs. Generally obedience classes are good for socialization but a total waste for real training. Most students drop out before ever finishing. Owners often think it is cost effective to spend what appears to be half the price for double the lessons when comparing obedience classes versus private lessons in the home. However, such thinking is a classic example of being pennywise but pound foolish. In summary private in-home training offers:
The problems you need to correct only occur at home such as house soiling, behavior around guests, separation anxiety, and excessive barking for example. All family members can get hands on instruction.
Private lessons can be arranged around your schedule, days, evenings or weekends.
You decide exactly what you would like to cover and learn the fastest ways to accomplish your goals.
You want to ensure your new dog or puppy has a good introduction to your household and learns good habits from the start.
Most instructors do not charge for additional dogs!
If you are fortunate, your dog will be a member of your family for an average of thirteen years. If you divide the initial investment in training by the dog’s life you will see that it doesn’t pay to skimp on training.
Myth #2
I Need To Have A Fenced In Yard For My Dog
The old expression about “being as mean as a junkyard dog” has an element of truth to it. Dogs are social animals that want to be with their family. If you keep a dog isolated in a yard, away from the family you can end up with a socially awkward possibly aggressive animal that is stressed by boredom.
Junkyard dogs are kept on a chain isolated from human contact. They indeed often become extremely vicious or mean. Although your dog may have a spacious fenced in yard, I assure you that he has sniffed and explored every inch of it within the first two weeks he was in it. Thereafter, it becomes a prison of sorts where he becomes bored and often stressed. Your dog wants to be with you. Don’t banish him to a fenced in yard where his only outlet is to dig, bark excessively or create other mischief to ease his frustration. Let your dog out to use the bathroom and to join you when you are outside. You don’t need to spend large amounts of money for a fence that will only cause problems with your dog.
Myth #3
My Dog Loves Sleeping In The Bed With Me
This is definitely one of the dog training myths to add to the list. YOU enjoy having your dog in bed with you. He does it only to please you. Look at your size and then look at your dog’s size. Why would he want to share the bed with a creature that rolls over and turns without any warning and could crush him? More importantly having the dog in your bed gives the wrong message to your dog. I have cured problems ranging from potty issues to anxiety to aggression simply by having the owner stop having the dog sleep with them. It is an extremely bad practice and a myth to think your dog enjoys it.